Jumat, 21 September 2012

Short Message on Kartini Day

April 21, 2009

Lately.. so many things cracking my head, my work, especially with my Partner, Dil...
When I feel so down, hopeless, mad, hurt, and confuse.  where my ego was attacking. The unbelievable is I didint hate him, I havent expectation to payback on him, even he just put and treat me in the worst condition. I just prey to my creator, my Allah, to give me the strength, and to ease my hate. I dont know what I should call, a big heart or stupid!! And I have to wear the mask to make people not seen my tear, my pain and what I feel,
And now on 21st April 2009, I got a SMS from my friend, this also surprising, remind that I never see her recently. This was her SMS:
Wanita Cantik melukis kekuatan lewat masalahnya
Tersenyum saat tertekan
Tertawa disaat harus menangis
Memberkati disaat terhina
Mempesona karena mengampuni
Wanita cantik, mengasihi tanpa pamrih
Dan bertambah Kuat dalam Doa dan Pengharapan....
Hmm... so inspiring.. and how strong the women.. Hidup Wanita.. Selamat Hari Kartini to all Indonesian’s Women

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